My favorite quotes

Submitted by patho on Tue, 13/07/2010 - 03:30

  1. "Keep Walking" from Johnny Walker (whiskey)
  2. "I'm a slow walker, but I never walk back" from Abraham Lincoln
  3. "If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable" from Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD)
  4. "Aliquando et insanire jucundum est" best translated in French as "Pas de sagesse sans un petit grain de folie" from Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD)
  5. "If you swim with sharks, do not act like food" quote used by Michio Kaku at a keynote during some internal MS convention
  6. "Cannibals prefer those who have no spines" quote used by Stanislaw Lem in "Holiday" written in 1963, Polish SF author of "Solaris", 1921–2006.
  7. "An active line on a walk, moving freely, without goal. A walk for a walk's sake" Paul Klee.
  8. "Save Earth, only our planet got chocolat" cycling banner spotted in Brussels.
  9. "Reality is that which refuses to go away when I stop believing in it", Phillip K Dick (Philosopher and SF-author of "The Man in the High Castle" and stories turned into films such as Blade Runner, Total Recall, A Scanner Darkly, Minority Report, Paycheck, Next, Screamers, and The Adjustment Bureau.
  10. "A goal is a dream with a deadline", Napolean Hill.
  11. "Be yourself, no more, no less!", motto on baron Toots Thielemans' coat of arms.
  12. "Management exists to minimize problems created by its own hiring mistakes", Scott Adams.
  13. "Failure is not an option, it comes bundles with the software".
  14. "A nation is a group of people united by a mistaken view about the past and a hatred of their neighbors.", Ernest Renan, French Philosopher